© Women Peace Makers (WPM)


07 Mar, 2023

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The second World Conference on Statelessness will be held from 26-29 February 2024 at TAYLOR’S UNIVERSITY in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Organised by the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI)Nationality for All (NFA) and Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas (DHRRA) Malaysia. It will bring together 300+ participants with lived and learned experience of statelessness from across the globe to exchange knowledge, perspectives, ideas and skills. The conference will be a multi-stakeholder convening that centres people with lived experience of statelessness and offers sessions in a wide variety of formats to facilitate storytelling & peer-learning, reflection & celebration, brainstorming & ideas-testing, and networking & relationship-building.

The programme will focus on the three themes,  and will be consultatively developed to respond to the interests and needs of the field. By bringing together advocates, activists, academics, artists, community and social leaders, members of the donor community, UN and government representatives, in a safe and equal space, the conference will inspire, inform and invigorate efforts to achieve positive change

The programme will be designed to:

  • Support the efforts of the Global Movement on Statelessness to build a community of civil society actors from around the world, capable of challenging and addressing prevalent power imbalances in the field-> SOLIDARITY.
  • Celebrate and share the many advances in research, advocacy and other promising practices that have emerged in recent years, unpack emerging challenges to find new pathways and synergies to address statelessness, and explore the politics of knowledge production and consumption within the field-> KNOWLEDGE.
  • Catalyse meaningful impact in this field over the coming years by forging new and deeper collaborations, exploring innovative and effective strategies, and promoting joined-up action to achieve change-> CHANGE.

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The call for proposals for the 2024 World Conference on Statelessness in now open! You can submit an abstract either individually, or jointly with a group of colleagues. The deadline for submissions is Monday 26 June 2023. Before filling in the submission form, please consider the following questions:

  • Does your proposal speak to one of the Conference themes – Solidarity, Knowledge, Change – as listed above?
  • Would you like to make a submission for an individual paper/presentation, joint panel, roundtable discussion, skills workshop, video screening or other activity?

You can submit your proposal using the form available HERE.  In order to prepare your submission, you may want to refer to a PDF version of the form here, which shows all information required for each of the types of submissions possible.

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The 2nd World Conference on Statelessness will be organised at Taylor’s University in Kuala Lumpur, ranked the top private university in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. In becoming a ‘purpose driven’ university, Taylor’s University has established Impact Labs, including the Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Lab, integrating education, research and advocacy. The Conference is part of a broader collaboration between DHRRA and Taylor’s University Law School to contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 and the 12th Malaysia Plan 2021-2025 for a prosperous, inclusive, sustainable Malaysia.


Conference registration will open at the end of March 2023. Full details will be announced on the website and through other relevant channels. While we are diligently fundraising to cover the majority of Conference related costs, we do have to charge a participation fee to make the Conference viable. This fee is set at EUR 350 per person. We will offer a discounted rate of EUR 300 for the first 100 registrations. Please note that all attendees and participants, including speakers and panellists, are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fee.

We are also working hard to ensure we can support people with lived experience of statelessness and from grassroots groups to attend the Conference. Individuals belonging to these categories are encouraged to reach out to us, so we can factor in your requests (fee reductions and other forms of support), as we actively fundraise towards this.

You can contact the Conference organizing committee at [email protected].