NFA Executive Director, Subin Mulmi participated in the launch event of the Bali Process Toolkit for Inclusive Civil Registration

11 Dec, 2023 - December 14, 2023

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NFA Executive Director, Subin Mulmi participated in the launch event of the Bali Process Toolkit for Inclusive Civil Registration

UNHCR Regional Bureau Asia Pacific and the Regional Support Office of the Bali Process (RSO) organised a launch event of the Bali Process Toolkit for Inclusive Civil Registration. The launch event aimed to enhance the uptake of this Toolkit among Bali Process Member and Observer States by raising awareness about it, and its importance in reducing civil registration gaps as a risk factor for trafficking in persons and irregular migration, whilst also contributing to reducing the vulnerability of trafficked persons. The event included a panel discussion on ‘Civil Registration in the context of addressing the issue of irregular migration and migration management’. The panellists discussed the challenges faced by hard to reach marginalised groups in accessing civil registration systems.

NFA Executive Director, Subin Mulmi participated in the launch event as a panelist on the discussion moderated by Devmi Dampella from RSO. The panellists discussed the challenges faced by hard to reach marginalised groups in accessing civil registration systems.