Vivienne Chew

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Vivienne Chew has worked with the International Detention Coalition since 2012, coordinating its work across the Asia Pacific region and serving as Acting Co-Director in 2020.  She has over a decade of experience working with refugee and asylum seeking communities, predominantly in countries of first asylum. She successfully established and managed refugee legal aid programs for Asylum Access in Thailand and Tanzania. Vivienne has undertaken a number of research projects on children’s rights, birth registration, statelessness, and the inclusion of refugees in the formal labour market in Malaysia. Vivienne holds a Law degree from the University of Cardiff, Wales, and a Master’s degree in International Human Rights from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. Prior to joining the humanitarian sector, she practiced as a corporate finance lawyer for Clifford Chance LLP in London and Thailand. Vivienne is an Obama Foundation Asia Pacific Leader and is currently based in Melbourne, Australia.